It only takes a moment of communion with the Master to hear the passion of the Almighty as the chords of His heart are strummed in your ear. As your frail humanity partakes in that which is indefinitely infinite, listen closely to what you hear. Listen closely and hear the hugeness of His heart for you; pause and listen a little closer and hear His heart for your family, loved ones, friends. Now listen even closer and hear His heart for strangers, your city, your state, your country….then lean in close and tune your ear to the still small voice of the Omnipotent and hear His heart weeping over the nations.
I believe that the Master has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. I believe that the Almighty cries out, "Turn, Please turn from your wicked ways. Why will you choose to die in your sins? Won’t you come? Won’t you turn? Please, the judgment is too great! The price is to high and it will cost you everything you have and you will still die in your sins!"
O God, how I long to see Your glory and how I live to exalt Your name. O God, descend upon us in power. Come and send Your Spirit’s fire, to burn on the alter of our hearts. O Christ, Come now to your waiting Bride in every language, tongue and tribe, who bares Your name upon the earth. For we wait. We wait for You to come. We wait upon You alone. You have called us to the nations. Please send us out Lord to the lost sheep of the nations.
Father our deepest gratitude extends out to You who alone sought us out and delivered us from the pit of hell unto life abundantly here and life eternal to come. Thank You Father. Thank You for loving us just because You love us.
Oh worshippers, I plead with you to relentlessly press into the presence of God and worship at the foot of His throne; for there is no better place! The Lord bids us to come and I fear that week after week we miss out on Him. He doesn’t want our melodies. He doesn’t want our Sunday mornings. He wants our hearts. He wants us to fellowship with Him. He wants every part of us. Let us not miss out on the One who loves us with a passion beyond our comprehension. Worship Him saints! Exalt Him! Praise Him and come to Him for He alone is worthy and waits with open arms to embrace those who seek Him wholeheartedly.