Thursday, April 13, 2006

Journal 4/13/06

Why do I run in circles in my Christian life? Why do I fall for the same temptations over and over again and never realize that everything is empty and futile unless it’s filled with the presence of God? I am tired of falling. The only falling that I desire to do is to fall on my knees so I can walk on my feet again. I am tired of going for the love that comes and goes instead of going to the One who loves me forever. I am tired of placing my trust in man or in this world or if I am true to the real issue at hand; I am tired of giving into the deception and wickedness of my heart. I am tired of listening to the vile nature of my heart of hearts.

Father, I have struggled walking with you this last month. As a matter of fact, I haven’t walked with you at all. I have not spent time with you; I have not sought after you. I have just done my own thing and for that I apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I repent yet again my Lord. I did get to read your word today and I was blessed as I studied Romans this morning. It was refreshing to hear from your word and to reaffirm that you love me. It was nice to hear that your grace is there for me and without your grace I am a man of desperation. Without your grace I am to be pitied as the poorest of all souls. Yet with your grace, I can lift my head high and I can soar in the heavens as your grace picks me up and makes me fly. Thank you for grace Jesus.

And its not even your grace I seek. I do not seek the grace of God as much as I seek the God of Grace. And you love me and have showered your grace upon me, I am thankful and I worship you for your mercy and love towards a man like me. I praise your name most Holy Father and I pray that from here on out I would seek you for the rest of my life.

Enoch has been in my mind Lord; and because he lived in the pre-flooded world and because the world was different then than it is today, he lived a long time. But what I read in Genesis 5 is that Enoch walked with God for three hundred years. What? Three hundred years? I struggle walking with you for a month and he did it for three hundred years? How? I am sure it was based upon your Grace. Please help me to walk with you for all the days of my life. I need you now more than ever. On the merits of Jesus alone is the basis that I come to you and petition you my Holy Father. On his finished work I place my trust in and because of it; you have given a man like me access into your throne room so that I may bring these petitions to you. So here I am….please hear my cry.
