Why do people say they are Christians and then say that they don't believe in the bible. Someone told me today that they don't believe what the Bible says about certain things and then they tell me that they are a Christian. And when someone says that, what they are really saying is that they know more about a certain topic than God does. This breaks my heart but I am sure that this breaks the heart of God even more. It reminds me of the words of Jesus when he was looking over the city of Israel, "How I long to gather you to myself as a hen gathers her chicks, but you are unwilling".
Father I pray for this person at work that thinks she is a believer and yet rejects pretty much the entire bible. She only believes in the parts that she wants to and has created a god in her own image. Please Lord, break down the walls in her heart and allow her to see you for who you really are. In Jesus name I pray; Amen.