Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Journal 11/15/05

I am amazed at the grace of God. He has been so faithful and though I stumble and fall, my sin never moves the Lord. He has been so good to me. I had a vision about three years ago of this square that was sorta beige in color. It had steps on it and pillars on it and people were hanging out there. Then a year ago my wife and I were vacationing in Oregon and I decided to go for a drive alone and hang out with the Lord. As I drove I ended up at a place called Pioneer Square. There was a rave happening and there must have been hundreds of high school and college age kids there. The thing that intrigued me the most was that I saw Pioneer Square in my vision a few years before. That place was exactly what I saw in my vision and now I was seeing it right before my eyes.

As I drove around the square in my car, the Lord spoke to me saying, “There is a cancer starting in the young people of this city. And I want to use you to lead them to me.” I was blown away. I knew at that point that I was supposed to live in Oregon; so for the next 8 months my wife and I worked towards that goal, and then the Lord opened the door for us to move here this last May. We bought a house and now live here in Hillsboro Oregon.

So for the last year I have been thinking that I was supposed to minister at Pioneer Square; but I am not so sure that the Lord specifically meant that. For the last three years I have been seeking a confirmation of where to live. I have been asking the Lord to lead me as I lead my family and I now believe that the Lord did two things when he brought me to Pioneer Square last year. I believe that the reason he gave me the vision of Pioneer Square was so that I would know what location to live (i.e. Portland Oregon) and I also believe that the reason he spoke to me about the kids was because that is the area of ministry that he desires to use me in. What an incredible blessing.

So now my wife and I are slowly getting involved with the high school kids from our church. I feel that the Lord desires to use me in a very specific and unique way. He wants me to show these teens how to get fully into His presence. He wants to use me to lead these teens in worship and intimacy with the Master. So that is what I am doing. On Monday nights I pick up a few teens and we practice worship music. We work on dynamics and practice playing skillfully to the Lord. We seek to honor the Lord and to grow in his grace as He takes our hearts and leads us into the throne room of grace.

Then on Friday nights we have a time of prayer and afterglow. This is a place where the Lord takes what we have practiced on Monday nights and we then lead whoever is with us into the Lords presence.

The reason this is so cool is because Jessica and I have had Friday night prayer in our home for the last 3-5 years. And now I know why. The Lord was teaching us what it was like to be with Him so that we could take others with us as we enter into the presence of the Lord. This is so exciting. The Lord has been giving us new songs as he stirs our hearts and I believe that he is starting a new work with the young people of Oregon.

There is so much to share and yet I find it difficult to place words on what the Lord is doing. I do believe that God is going to fully capture the hearts of the young people in the Northwest and I am honored yet humbled that He may choose to use me. All I can do is drop my jaw and stand here wide eyed with an open mouth as I watch the Lord orchestrate this new and eternal work. All I can do is praise the Master for His incredible love for people and pray that I too would embrace others as He does. It will be cool to see what the Lord does in the weeks; months and years to come as I truly believe that the Lord is planting Jessica and I here for a long term work.

Please pray with me for the Masters work to be fully accomplished. Pray for maturity and growth and unity. Pray that we would see the Lord high and lifted up and that fruit would abound in the hearts and actions of all of the young people here in the Northwest.

Bill Scott, Sr.