Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Here is a test!

Read this sentence in the following picture. Now count aloud the F's in the box. Count them only once; DO NOT LOOK BACK AND COUNT THEM AGAIN. If you think you are right, read what is posted after the picture.

Did you only look at it once? Ok, How many F's did you find?

There are six. Most people find only three. Here is another intelligence test. Answer Yes or No OUT LOUD: 1/ Is there a God? 2/ Does God care about right and wrong? 3/ Are God's standards the same as ours? 4/ Will God punish sin? 5/ Is there a Hell? 6/ Do you avoid Hell by living a good life? The answers are 1/ Yes. 2/ Yes. 3/ No. 4/ Yes. 5/ Yes 6/ No. You can't afford to be wrong. Find out the truth - ask God to forgive your sins, then trust Jesus Christ. He took your punishment by dying on the Cross for you. Then He rose from the dead. Read the Bible daily and obey what you read . . . God will never let you down.

Please read this out loud to find out what it says.

Perhaps you read: "God is nowhere." It also says, "God is now here." 96% of Americans believe in God, but to many His presence isn't what it could be. The Bible says, "In Him we live and move and have our being," but we are separated from Him by our sins: "Sin" is the breaking of God's Law - the Ten Commandments. Let's see if you've "sinned": Have you ever lied (even a "white" lie) or stolen (the value is irrelevant)? Then you are a lying thief. If you've lusted, you've committed adultery in your heart. If you've hated someone, the Bible says you are a murderer. If you have broken any of the Ten Commandments, you are in big trouble. On Judgment Day you'll be found guilty, and end up in Hell. But God sent His Son to die on the Cross for you. Jesus took your punishment, and then defeated death by rising from the dead. God is now here, so repent today and trust the Savior, and you will receive the gift of everlasting life. Read the Bible daily and obey what you read.