Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Journal 1/18/06


I want to pray for my family. I ask that you would heal my daughters diaper rash. I ask that you would cause my kids to love you at an early age and I ask that you would protect them from the folly that this world has to offer. Please lead them into your presence and allow them to thirst after you their whole lives.

I pray for their possible future spouses. I ask that their future spouses would love you and be 110% committed to all your ways. I ask that you would sanctify them even now and prepare them for serving people as they serve you. I pray that you would protect them from the evil of this age and that they would be solid, balanced people.

I ask that you would bless my wife today as well. Please give her the wisdom to lead our children and give her the grace to endure when our toddlers don't cooperate. In Jesus name I pray....
