Monday, May 14, 2007

Journal 5/14/07


I wanted to sit down and write you a letter. Too often I come to you with my request or my burdens and I know that I need to do those things. But this time I want to just talk with you about whatever you desire to talk about. I am here Jesus, I sit here and I worship you while I wait for you to speak your heart to me.

How was your day Jesus? Did you do anything miraculous today? I am sure you did. What steps do I need to take to fall more in line with you? What am I not doing that I ought to be doing? What am I doing wrong; what is the root cause that could be changed to help me walk closer in line with your desires and will for me?

What is your absolute favorite thing to do? What makes you laugh? What puts a smile on your face or puts you in a silly mood? Does anything? Are you serious only? Or are you one who laughs when something is funny? What is your favorite kind of food? I know you like fish and bread because you ate it often in your Word.

Am I really one of yours? Sometimes I don’t think I am. And too often I open my mouth and insert my foot. I am such a miserable person to be around most of the time. How do I get my eyes off of what I am not and keep them on what and who you are?

I remember when you drew me that picture in the sky Lord. That was so amazing to me. The colors were so radiant and crisp. You totally blew me away and it melted my heart as I was set ablaze at your devotion to me. Can you do something like that again? Will you reach out and touch me in a way that puts your fingerprints on my soul? I want to behold you as I am held by you.

I like who I am when I am with you. I like who you cause me to be. Because the reality is that you complete me Lord. You are everything I need and truly what I desire. You are radical and I am grateful that you are real and that you love me. Please speak to me your child……I sit here and again I wait in hopes of hearing words that no one is able to speak but you alone because you are God. Here I am Lord……at this moment in time as I sit here waiting for you to either speak or to simply return for your waiting bride. Come Lord Jesus Come!
