Why do I journal my struggles and victories for the whole world to see?
I journal my heart and soul online and want the world to see it because I have found in my personal experience that most of the Christians that I have had good relationships with never dealt with the issues of the heart because they were too afraid that they were far worse sinners than the rest of us. And when a person comes to Jesus and sees his/her sin and then looks at a person who has been saved for awhile; they tend to think that the one who has been saved longer has it dialed in and then the newer believer doesn’t deal with the issues of the heart, they bury it and then down the road they struggle with major sin because they were too afraid to expose themselves in the 1st place.
So I decided that I would journal online so that the world could see that even though I have been a Christian for many years now (I think 14 years)....that I still do not have this thing dialed in. I still struggle and I still have highs and lows. I want to be an open book so that when a new believer reads my entries, they can relate to it and see that though I struggle and they struggle, in the end, the Lord works it all out. Does that make sense? That is why I journal online.