Tuesday, April 24, 2007

From my wife

4 days left!

Dear Friends and Family,

This Saturday is the March of Dimes, WalkAmerica! Walkathon. Many of you have poured out your love, words of encouragement, and financial support as well. I am so grateful for everything. I am only $50 away from my goal, and was hoping to see if anyone else was interested in helping me raise support.

We have been unbelievably blessed, much to our amazement. These past few months have been extremely emotional for me, as I have been recalling the experience that we had to endure. As well as the joy that we feel now, as we gaze upon our miracle child. Unfortunately, every year millions of families aren’t able to experience the intense feeling of awe and wonder when watching their miracle baby. With your support we can work to change that. March of Dimes is about researching, finding ways to prevent premature births and babies born with birth defects and serious health issues. As I’ve said in previous updates, Premature Births are the #1 cause of death in newborns today. My goal, my mission is to help spare families of that sorrow.

If you haven’t yet, please read my son’s story. You can read about it here:


I implore you to find it in your heart, to donate to this amazing cause. It doesn’t need to be a grand amount of money. $1.00 if that’s all you can spare. Just know that you’ve helped a cause that is working to transforms lives around the world.

My personal donation page is: here: http://www.walkamerica.org/personal_page.asp?w=700715
Unfortunately, it’s too late in the game for me to accept anymore checks, as they wouldn’t get here in time. And for that I apologize. I can still take credit card, paypal, and debit card as a method of payment.I thank you, for your support. Both financially, and prayerfully. It’s with your help that we can a make a difference in the world.


Jessica Scott.